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How To Get The Cool New Look Of Retro Home Decorating

Retro home decorating relies heavily on accessories and choosing the right ones will give it a charming style. Explore using fun retro accessories that give you the fun and funky style of yesteryear. Acquire pillows, knick-knacks and artwork to really add zip to your retro décor.

Wall art is a fantastic way to add appealing charm to your walls, yet most people don't know the correct way to hang them. When hanging art pieces, keep the center of the artwork at eye level as the focal point. If you are making a grouping of wall art pieces, then come up with the design by laying them on the floor beforehand to determine how they look best. To enhance your Retro home decorating theme, try adding atomic clocks and artwork here and there.

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Decorative retro pillows are another decorative accessory you can try using to spark up your home design. Pillows add a great touch and look charming in any room not the least of which is the bedroom, bathroom and dining room. In the bedroom, pile them at the head of the bed. In the kitchen or bathroom, a small pillow places strategically on a hamper or chair serves to add an interesting touch. Pillows on your sofa or chair may help insert the Retro decorating sense to the furniture. Purchasing pillows that use pop art or retro fabric will help add interest and drama.

Additional pieces that can help improve the feeling of yesteryear include atomic items from the 50's, Dansk wooden accents, and op art pieces. When obtaining your decorative pieces, though, you want to be positive they are in keeping with the decorating scheme and have some sort of coordinating principles with each other. Go with on theme pieces solely] in order to attain the deisgn style you are going for.

Knick Knacks can really inject an intriguing look to any design, no matter what the décor. To add zip to your Retro decorating, stick with accessories that have a fun and funky feel. Making the most of vintage knick knacksw on shelves can result in a terrific look and so can a mod donut phone from the '70's in easy view. You can infuse your own distinct personality to the design by selecting knick knacks that reflect your personal style. Look at shopping at thrift stores or garage sales for those interesting items that won't take all your money.

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Making the most of vintage pieces can add a professional style to your Retro home decorating theme. But before you go out and shop for a lot of stuff, you want to get an idea of what types of pieces you want and purchase those pieces. When adding accessories, proportion is crucial so make sure you look for items in the sizes you need. If you stick to these rules, you'll be able to adorn your room with decorative pieces that work interesting with each other.

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